
HV/MV Switchgear, Inspections, Maintenance And Technology (Virtual)


Live Online / Virtual Option


This Workshop explains typical switchgear maintenance, configurations and arrangements, typical problems encountered in the field, and means of extending the life of HV/MV switchgear. The course also highlights training, safety considerations and provides practical guidance for operation, condition monitoring, maintenance, and testing of HV/MV switchgear.

Switchgear, like many other types of industrial equipment, is often unnoticed and neglected until it fails to function normally. The level to which switchgear is maintained in the industry varies significantly.

  •  Maintenance levels at one extreme might involve ‘Condition Monitoring’ (Continuous Monitoring) of equipment with linear or rotating transducers.
  •  At the other end of the spectrum, maintenance might only involve doing Periodic Maintenance Tasks (PMT), Inspections or even Major Maintenance Task (MOT).
  • One can also run equipment until it breaks down or even self-destructs.
  • The vast majority of appropriate switchgear maintenance programs will fall somewhere in between these extremes.

All training courses offered by Peganix have CPD points allocated to them and we are confident that the benefits of attending are obvious and reflect the quality associated with accreditation.

Who should attend?

  • Municipalities
  • Eskom
  • Transnet
  • Plant Electricians
  • Electrical Maintenance Personnel
  • Electrical Contractors
  • Heads of Plant Engineering
  • Heads of Technical Services
  • Senior Technicians
  • Senior Engineers
  • Engineering Technologists
  • Senior Technical Supervisors
  • Senior Electricians
  • Project Managers
  • Chief Electricians
  • Operation Manager

Walk Away With the Knowledge and Skills to…

  • Understand the mechanical theory of switchgear
  • Carry out correct application methods and ensure a longer life span on your MV and HV Switchgear
  • Able to source spares
  • Able to choose the correct CB by implementing a ‘specification & requirement’ list.
  • Implement effective testing methods that work!


Attend this event and….

  1. Take part in interactive discussions on application, installation, maintenance, and testing issues relating to switch-gear

  2. Gain a solid foundation in switchgear mechanism & interrupter theory

  3. Learn from a recognized expert with international & cross-industry experience

  4. Build a thorough understanding of issues associated with switchgear equipment and an emphasis on safety

  5. At the end of the program, the delegates will be aware of diagnostic tools that aid the planning of maintenance, understand the changing requirements placed on the